Richard is currently working on an idea for a stage play that explores porn addiction. His research is supported by The Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity (ATSAC); The College of Sexual & Relationship Therapists (COSRT), Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) and Lottery Funding from Arts Council England.
Porn addiction is not recognised by the World Health Organisation as a diagnosable addiction however to many the term feels appropriate to describe their experiences. Richard has been working with Sexual Relationship Therapists, Neuroscientists and those recovering or living with porn addiction to explore:
- the origins of this addiction
- the stigmatism surrounding the addiction
- why people avoid seeking help
- the impact on the lives of those affected
Many of Richard’s plays explore the themes of shame, trauma and isolation. Throughout this working process the aim is to raise awareness of porn addiction, provide a voice for those stigmatised and hopefully encourage others to seek the help they need.
Richard is looking to hear directly from those affected by pornography so he can incorporate their thoughts, words and experiences into an authentic story about this addiction. He has spoken with many therapists and conducted further reading — what he is now looking for is a sense of what it is like living and managing with this condition.
Although currently only in the research phase of the project, the thought is that the end product will be a stage play to take this subject further into the mainstream. Richard understand’s that the addiction has a number of wide-ranging consequences and yet it can be hidden for a long time. How can the silence and isolation of watching too much porn be overcome? How do we overcome shame so as to reach true happiness?
What do you want people to know about your experiences? We are looking for two groups of people to take part in the research:
- Those who feel they watch too much pornography
- Partners of those who are living with or have recovered from porn addiction
To share their experience anonymously. There are two ways you can do this:
- Complete a 10 minute survey
- Conduct an anonymous interview with the writer, Richard
For those living with or have recovered from porn addiction and are happy to complete a survey, please visit here:
For partners of those who are living with or have recovered from porn addiction and are happy to complete a survey, please visit here: https://forms.gle/3RyS7BV7QNhJLVHo8
If you are happy to conduct an interview with the writer, please in the first instance e-mail Participation Producer Alice Sandon on alicesandon@gmail.com
Share your experience so somebody else doesn’t have to.